• *A Beginner's Guide to Libraries: Start Here

    The Need to Knows for Visiting the Library

    Welcome to Your Katie Murrell Library!

    That's right. We're Your Library. Libraries across the world belong to their users. And while each one is unique, the driving force behind them is you! You have access a world of resources and knowledge right at your fingertips. 

    The exterior of the Katie Murrell Library

    Maybe you've visited a public library or a school library before. The Katie Murrell Library is similar, but there are a few key differences to be aware of:

    • There are many types of libraries like public libraries, school libraries, medical libraries, and more. The Katie Murrell Library is an academic library. That means it is equipped to serve the LWC community and support research for students, faculty, and staff. 
    • We offer many resources online, so even if you are not on campus, you still have access to research materials, books, e-books, music, and more 24/7.
    • We can even send physical items to you from our A.P. White campus. 
    • You're not limited by what we have here at the library or online. If you ever find a resource you'd really like to read, you can obtain the item for free from Interlibrary Loan.
    • While many think of libraries as places for books, we offer laptops, teaching aides and toys, CDs, and more!

    Instructional Librarian

    Profile Photo
    Erin Wolford
    Katie Murrell Library