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Google Scholar is useful when you are struggling to find the specific research you need in the databases Lindsey Wilson subscribes to OR if you want to find a copy of a specific article that Lindsey Wilson doesn't have. Google Scholar can help expand your research!
If you find something you like in Google Scholar, check to see if you can access the entire document. Sometimes, you can access a document for free! If you hit a pay wall, DO NOT PURCHASE THE DOCUMENT. Try to find it in one of our general databases first: EBSCO, JSTOR, or ProQuest. If you can't access the document in one of those databases, copy the citation into an email to InterLibrary Loan (ILL)..
Periodicals are a general term to describe materials published on a certain frequency. Magazines and newspapers fall in this category. Use these databases to find periodicals. Visit us in person to access magazines like Ed Tech, American Educator, Kentucky School Advocate, SchoolArts, and more!
This is a short list of education and related topic publications. To find more, please visit our EBSCO Full Text Finder database, and search by title or subject.