• HIST 2233 & 2243 - World Civilization I & II: Peer-Reviewed Sources

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    What are peer-reviewed sources?

    Peer-reviewed sources are original research projects that scientists and researchers share and publish. These sources go through an extensive evaluation process by:

    1. Fellow subject matter experts; and
    2. Journal editors

    before they are published. You can access peer-reviewed sources through academic databases like EBSCOhost, JSTOR, and ProQuest.

    Google Scholar is another place to find peer-reviewed sources

    Peer-reviewed sources include, but aren't limited to:

    • Academic journal articles
    • eBooks
    • Book chapters

    EBSCOhost and ProQuest each have a special search filter for scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles. 

    However, JSTOR essentially contains 99% peer-reviewed sources, so there is no special search filter in this database.

    How do I find peer-reviewed sources?

    Follow this example for finding peer-reviewed sources in EBSCOhost.

    Step 1A: Access the Research Guides

    EITHER search for "Lindsey Wilson Research Guides" in Google OR go to www.lindsey.edu/library and select Research Guides [the link with a magnifying glass icon]. Select Go to all databases on the far right side of the browser.


    Step 1B: Access the databases

    EITHER search for "Lindsey Wilson databases" in Google OR go to www.lindsey.edu/library and select A-Z Databases from the Library Collections menu.

    Step 2: Log into EBSCOhost

    Select EBSCOhost from the database listing. You may see a blue login screen open in a new browser tab. EBSCOhost requires every LWC student, faculty, and staff to sign in with their myLWC email and password because this resource is only available to those affiliated with LWC. [Fact: Your tuition allows us to provide this resource to you.]

    Step 3: Access EBSCOhost

    After you log in, select EBSCOhost Web [the first option on this page].

    Step 4: Select search options

    Imagine EBSCOhost as an Amazon interface. Each individual database in EBSCOhost is like an Amazon shop. We can search in EITHER all of them OR a selection of databases. On this page, EITHER select all databases OR select the subject-specific database(s) you need.

    Step 5: Search and filter

    Enter your keywords in the search bar. On the results page, search filters are found on the far left. Under Limit To, select Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals. All search entries considered peer-reviewed will appear. Continue manipulating all the filters to find the search results you specifically need.

    In ProQuest, you can search for peer-reviewed sources from the main page. Before you enter your keywords, checkmark the peer-reviewed box just below the search bar. This way, you will search for peer-reviewed sources from the beginning. If you miss this step, you can always apply this filter after you begin searching.

    Is there a difference between peer-reviewed and scholarly sources?

    It depends on the source's situation. Peer-reviewed sources are considered scholarly, but not all scholarly sources are considered peer-reviewed

    Scholarly Sources - Publications centered on sharing original research and its results within a subject discipline. These sources do not go through an extensive review process as peer-reviewed sources do, sometimes only getting approval for publication by an editorial board.

    Peer-Reviewed Sources - They are the same type of publication as Scholarly Sources; however, they go through an extensive review process before they are published.

    What is the difference between academic / scholarly and popular sources?

    Scholarly Journals & Articles

    "Academic" or "Research"

    Popular Newspaper & Magazines

    "General" or "Journalistic"

    Authors are named and usually affiliated with an institution. Authors are potentially anonymous.
    Authors are subject matter experts. Authors are journalists.
    Articles are peer-reviewed. Articles are not peer-reviewed.
    Citation lists are lengthy and extensive. Citation lists are little to non-existent.
    Advertisements are limited. Advertisements are everywhere.
    Articles are lengthy and very detailed. Articles are shorter and focus on general points.
    Issues are published on a less frequent basis (semi-annually, quarterly, monthly). Issues are published frequently (daily, weekly, monthly).
    Target audiences are professionals, academics, and students. Target audiences are the general public.
    Titles typically include words like bulletin, journal, or review. Titles do not typically include words like  bulletin, journal, or review.
    Except "The Wall Street Journal," which is not a scholarly publication.


    Open Access Journals - a newer peer-reviewed source

    Open access journals (OAJs) are journals that are freely available on the internet. You don't need a special membership or subscription to access the research available in them. OAJs are usually peer-reviewed, so they are also a great spot to find peer-reviewed sources

    The Directory of Open Access Journals is a free, online database available to connect you with over 300 open access journals from around the world and in many subjects.

    Here are some examples of subject-specific open access journals that you can use for your research!

    Need one in a subject not listed here? Email the Library for assistance!

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